Ever get the feeling dating can also feel like one of those games as well? Exactly.
Dating and Warcraft have their similarities...
You start out a lone player wandering around looking for a party member as usual. But let's say you go find a random player of the opposite sex (then why am I using WOW as an example? It's all just a bunch of dudes)...correction, character of the opposite sex (which is mostly just a very lonely man anyways, but I digress) decides to join your party. Either person invites and then the other accepts.
All seems good, right? You do a couple of quests together, perhaps add each other to friend lists. It's just like exchanging phone numbers and e-mails (or by the random case just looking up the person on facebook without having them remember who you are), only it's less effort. Moving on. If all goes well, they become a permanent member of your party.
Dating is quite similar. After a few dates, if all goes well, you got yourself a permanent member in your real life party (not the one with ballons or liquor). Only difference, this one is accompanied by love and effection (if it isn't then take your receipt to the nearest Relationships-R-Us and demand a refund...or an exchange).
You go out on adventures a lot (whether it's bowling or raiding a village), you start to create countless memories with each other, and the bond gets stronger. But also while you're there, remember she's also taking half the loot (it's just how it works somehow) and your experience is reduced (you somehow become a bit more clueless).
But there comes a time when that other person suddenly breaks from the group, battles you and one becomes incapacitated. The losing one will be in another realm (perhaps the down time one has when feeling sad about it) and has to go find their bodies in order to return.
But once we are back on our feet, we have a serious de-buff on us (perhaps this is why newly single people feel like they have lost their mojo). How long it lasts, is unknown, but it's really annoying.
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