Sunday, July 31, 2011

The Pepper Conundrum

So summer is almost over for me. And as usual, everyone normally makes plans they wanna fulfill during said time. Among those plans, I have yet to get any of my other movies going or get my picture with Donald Duck. Pretty good for a long list that included travel to 2 different states, college issues, and other plans. At least...I thought it was so.

During my travels to the state of Texas, I was acquainted to Dr.Pepper and all it's delicious glory. So going back to Puerto Rico meant no longer having that soda, or so I thought. I quickly found some for sale at the mall near home and couldn't be more overjoyed. But it all changed the week I was out in Florida reliving my childhood with Mickey and pals.

After having my fill with Vanilla Coke, Dr.Pepper, Disney Parks, and pre-flight nausea, I was confident my new favorite drink would be waiting for me at home. That is, until I got back...

After going back to the mall with some friends, I was disappointed to see my drink was no longer available. Heck, it wasn't even mentioned in the inventory anymore. So after dealing with a tough truth that my drink was no more (and then finding out I was filmed during the entire process), I quickly tried to go to Plan B.

Plan B took me to the biggest tourist spot on the island, it's very capital. So one would think that a place with so many tourists is bound to have it, right? Wrong! All that search and nothing. All hope was lost.

And then, my girlfriend texted me saying she has found it. I swear, she needs Indiana Jones' hat for finding my treasure when I couldn't. Ironically, she found it at a gas station named "Gas." I kid you not.

And then I slowly find out other stations a little further have in great supply.

My oasis has been found, at the most unlikely of places! But you know what? That will do, especially if I can gulp down my new favorite drink again.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Do Not Feed The Players

For those who know me, I'm quite the yugioh player. So it's not uncommon for me to show up from time to time with my friends and have a few casual games at the mall nearby. Why the mall? Well, there's a store there where we can enjoy our hobby.

But there's also something funny I have been noticing...

The eyes...oh those annoying eyes!

There's a passageway nearing the exit where we play, so it has plenty of people crossing by. And those people somehow look at us as if they had never seen people play cards. They kinda look at us as if we were in a zoo, since there is somewhat of a physical separation and elevation between us. Actually, it kinda makes it look like we are on display when you cross through that passageway.

Every day, the eyes keep looking at us. And here's the thing...I would understand if the eyes kept looking at us if we were the stereotypical nerd that freaked people out and yelled "excelsior!" at the top of our lungs, but the thing is, we are quite normal people. Yet, people look at us like some kind of animal.

Heck, most of us in there (because there's always the exception to the rule, that one strange dude that makes us all look like weirdos) are actually quite normal. Some of us even date normal people, I know I am. So what to do, what to do?

So here's my solution. I want to make a sign that says, "please do not feed the duelists" since we are already becoming something to stare at. People with a sense of humor will quickly dismiss it and enjoy a good pun, while the 95% of others won't know what it means and just look at us as if we are monkeys scratching our butts.

But hey, I guess that comes with the territory.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

An Accidental Digestion

Movie I made for a final class last semester. Even though it's in spanish, it's mostly about what happens when one takes an accidental laxative and his journey into that utopian bathroom.


Sunday, July 24, 2011

Whoa...Where Did I Go?

So I find myself realizing I had forgotten to write for quite some time. Looks like my vacation was longer than I thought...

But yes, I feel as if I must write something...but what? Am I having some writer's block again?


Perhaps if I open a window and write about the first thing I see...let's see how it goes.

*Looks out the window for real*

I see the road. Great, I'm gonna have to get all philosophical about roads and life...too much crap for an early morning post. But I said I was going to do it, so I can't be lazy now...or can I?

No! I'm going to write about the road...some kind of road. Hmmm....

Let's see...this road takes me to either the mall next door or straight to the next town where my ex lives. Now that I think of it, it's not the best road to look at, since it's not giving me many options for topics.

But now I'm feeling philosophical, so here goes. It's been a strange road the one I have taken since my last posts. There have been friends reformed and some undone, starting the final semester of my bachelor's degree, and also starting something great in the process. Perhaps I'm just babbling about how I forgot this blog was also like a journal-esque thing, besides all the humor I do...

So where do I go from here?

Well, out the door and into the kitchen, that's for sure. I want some cereal...