Sunday, July 24, 2011

Whoa...Where Did I Go?

So I find myself realizing I had forgotten to write for quite some time. Looks like my vacation was longer than I thought...

But yes, I feel as if I must write something...but what? Am I having some writer's block again?


Perhaps if I open a window and write about the first thing I see...let's see how it goes.

*Looks out the window for real*

I see the road. Great, I'm gonna have to get all philosophical about roads and life...too much crap for an early morning post. But I said I was going to do it, so I can't be lazy now...or can I?

No! I'm going to write about the road...some kind of road. Hmmm....

Let's see...this road takes me to either the mall next door or straight to the next town where my ex lives. Now that I think of it, it's not the best road to look at, since it's not giving me many options for topics.

But now I'm feeling philosophical, so here goes. It's been a strange road the one I have taken since my last posts. There have been friends reformed and some undone, starting the final semester of my bachelor's degree, and also starting something great in the process. Perhaps I'm just babbling about how I forgot this blog was also like a journal-esque thing, besides all the humor I do...

So where do I go from here?

Well, out the door and into the kitchen, that's for sure. I want some cereal...

1 comment:

  1. Hope it’ll be beneficial for me and my friends...
    Thnaks for sharing...
    Essay Writing
