Monday, December 19, 2011

Resolutions: The Friendship Handyman

Back to resolutions today. While my attempt at resolution #1 turned out a disaster, while still keeping noble intentions, it was time to go on with the second fix of the list. This one was going to be a bit trickier, especially since it involved a friendship that fell apart a few years back due to me losing my temper.

Now, we all have temper. It's just a matter of who can control it and who can't. And while I consider myself a patient man, even I have my limits.

Long story short, I ended up losing my cool and yelling at someone, causing a long-time friendship to collapse. While indeed it wasn't the right thing to do, it was time who had to let things cool off. And that's what I did. Almost 2 years after the incident, it was time to talk to those friends again.

It was a pretty good start, to be honest. Now, nothing was ever set in stone, but it's a start. Communication is better than it was, at least. Now we are on good terms again.

Moral of the story is:

Don't go yelling at someone when you lose your temper, it may just come and kick you in the ass later.

And with those resolutions out of the way, it was time to deal with the third one and possibly the most complicated one of them all...Amy.

But that, that's a story for another day. It's way too complicated to be written so simple, and's time for TV.

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