Thursday, February 16, 2012

What Goes Around

Ever have a situation where something you criticize comes back to bite you in the ass? Well, this is the story of what happened to two of my friends and how eventually we got the last laugh.

A while ago, I posted about how a bro understands when a bro ditches another bro to spend time with a lady, as well as the proper etiquete of how to handle the situation. For many months, one of my friends was constantly in pursuit of a girl he was madly in love with. La Barba (I'm sticking with that as his name) did whatever it took to try and conquer her heart, no matter what. However, he was stuck in the proverbial prison known as the Friend Zone.

So at times, Pickle Jar (another strange choice for a name, but screw it) and I would often sit there and wonder how our friend was screwed.

Pickle Jar: "Look at him. Lost cause. When is he going to get the hint?"
Me: "But who can blame him? He's doing what he feels would make him happy."
Pickle Jar: "Screw that, man. He's gotta get someone else and just move on."

And time and time again, La Barba would fall prey to his own weakness of love. However, we were always there for him, despite Pickle Jar's attempt at relieving the situation. When it came to matters of the heart, Pickle Jar seemed like he had the answer to everything. He was like the Wikipedia of dating, sources included. And every time La Barba and I would have something regarding dating or otherwise, you could bet Pickle Jar was there to mentor us.

And despite his countless teachings, we would often just follow our gut and get our own results. And then came the time where La Barba finally took it upon himself to get distance and clear his head. We were happy that he was taking this bold step, but something was looming over the horizon. Pickle Jar had fallen in love. And now, the sh*t has hit the fan.

He was somehow breaking all of his rules as soon as he started going out with this girl. La Barba and I quickly found all of this hilarious. For once, the one with all the answers was the one who seemed like he needed them. So now, we were the ones who had the times.

Irony can be quite funny when it turns against you.

For months, we would tease La Barba every time he brought his love interest into a conversation. But when Pickle Jar did it, it was twice as funny. It was even funnier when we all went together one night to eat. We were having a simple conversation, when suddenly the waitress who took our order turned out to have the same name as Pickle Jar's love interest. And like clockwork, we ripped him a new one as soon as she left. We were holding in our laughter like a kid during their first sex education class. Who could blame us? It was too funny to pass it up, especially if it's ironic.

That just goes to show you that what goes around, comes around.


  1. Hello:

    I just found your blog and I'm amazed at what a good writer you are. Your humor seems to sprout from life experiences of which I know very little. I'm hoping you'll check out my blog at Chubby Chatterbox. If you see enough to interest you please hit the join button and I promise to do the same. I hope you'll stop by.


  2. Oh my God, my name is not Pickle Jar! Call me Duncan or something.

    1. LOL!!!!!! I will put that into discussion with my creative committee. Perhaps I can just shorten it to PJ or something. But you know why you got stuck with Pickle Jar.
