Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Out The Window

I've been observing the crowds at the mall from the inside of the store, and I'm starting to see something wrong with that image. Something is lacking. I was trying to put my finger on it. So I continued to see who crossed by and analyzed the data.

Time to investigate!
Let's see...we got:
-Black, asian, indian, white couples/families
-Redneck couples (inbred or not, who is to tell?)
-Extra large couples (or chunky lovers as I call them) and families
-A lost pigeon

And that's when I realized what was missing. Where the heck are all the hispanic people? I can't be the only one here! There have to be more of my kind here!

After noticing that pattern, I started feeling like I was on some kind of alien planet. Or perhaps, I'm the alien. The latter actually makes a lot of sense.

Well, I guess it's time to learn how to make my finger glow like E.T.

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