Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Big City Dreams

Now that college is in the past and I'm starting to focus on my career, I have started to discuss a few life changing moves with my best friend. JC suggested we move to New York City someday so we can both tackle the world of entertainment media and build a life there. However, those are plans still in the far future. And even while JC is more determined to go this year, I don't quite feel ready to jump the gun yet.

A place we someday hope to call home.

Of course, I still got my master's degree to tackle and I have to begin my career in TV production somehow. And while I know that there are many places in the city where I can make a start, I'm feeling like I need to garner more experience before making such a big leap. I mean, you can't just jump straight to it. I don't have the footage to make a montage out of it, because everyone knows that a montage is what people do when they want to achieve something in a small amount of time. I don't even have a soundtrack for it, unless I use the classic Eye of the Tiger. Yet, it seems too cliche to use that song.

Anyway, moving on.

Even though I don't feel ready to leave until I finish my business here, it sets a goal worth aiming for. And nothing says goal like the possibility of living in a big city with your best friend, unless you count all those sitcoms. I can picture it now, with the whole laugh track going off every time I do something stupid or say something ridiculous. I wonder if we would have the taped studio audience? It's always good to have something worth striving for.

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