Growing up, I never really did understand the concept of daylight savings. First up, growing up outside of the states, I never saw anybody speaking of hour changes. However, the only changes that happened were the TV schedules. And this got me to thinking. Why do all the channels change their programming to an hour later, without even telling us? And that's when I first discovered daylight savings as a kid.
But I still didn't know why it was done. All I knew was that it made me stay up later watching my shows. That, and it made talk shows impossible to watch since they would begin at midnight being the earliest. So I came to know it as the "TV Change Period."
I do point out, I knew about time zones. Can't just leave my mind with crazy glue on the off switch, now can I? However, it wasn't until high school more or less that I got to knowing the truth about daylight savings. It's just a way to get more out of the natural sunlight during the fall and winter. I guess it makes sense. Seems like a good way to make sure we take full advantage of the day. Good enough for me!
And yet, daylight savings has always been for me the eternal struggle to stay up late to watch my shows. Talk shows switch from TV to laptop, some shows I just watch half way, and others are seen more often due to the later hours. However, the "Television Gods" find it suiting to change the hour at the right time. Why? They make sure my friends and I don't have to stay up too late at a sports bar during Wrestlemania night. It's the reason why I was able to watch soccer games in the morning without missing too much. It's also the reason for mass confusion when it comes to change my viewing schedule.
But now, it's the reason why I tend to call my friends back home at the wrong times. However, now that the hour has changed again, it's all back to normal.
Everything falls back to normal, eventually. Interesting to hear how someone outside of the USA came to learn about daylight savings time, something I've always taken for granted.